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Friday, April 25, 2014

Max Got The Axe And...


So did Sweet Shop and Strawberry Torte. So it goes. 

Disappointed? Yes. Will I recover? Already done. Just paying my dues. (I took out Max.  I couldn't look at that pathetic attempt one more day. Why should you?)  If DJ Hellerman, photographer of the homeless and video maker of paper coming out of a copier ,from Vermont, declined these, he obviously is on a diet and  has lost his sense of humor. And how can there be just one jurist for a state art competition and only 100 artworks accepted?  I knew the area was depressed, but never figured we had a shortage of skillful artists.




  1. so, am I not allowed to say that that chart is UBER PRETTY? (It is!) There ...I said it! You don't like your Max painting...but I sincerely appreciate the brushstrokes. I think you are a swashbuckling type of painter... that is your thing and I hope that never changes. It appears that you paint with a great deal of really comes across. :)

    1. A thank you very much! I am trying to do with oils what I can do with acrylics. I really do love the glow of oil paint and was never quite happy with the finish look of acrylics. Plastic. So, I won't give up on Max, I'll just let him rest and will add black to my palette. Viridian and Terra Rosa make a fine "black"' but the transparency makes the combination inadequate. Max started to shape up when I mixed some Ivory Black with Cad Red Med. Lesson aside, the painting was just the head sketch of the day. I'm going to try to do one a day. As for Lemon Yellow, it's gorgeous, but I ended up adding the most minute dot of white to the initial mix with such colors as Yellow Ochre, Alizarin, Viridian Cobalt Blue, the other transparent colors in that palette. I wanted no streaks in the samples. Who's the crazy lady trying to do "pretty" charts? :-))

  2. Can't say much about Max, but I love what you have done so far with "Rain", looking forward to see the final painting. Have a great weekend.

    1. Rain is coming along! It is eating a lot of paint, but it's looking good. I am getting close to the finish line. When I get there I'll show it with my reference photograph, which was a good photograph all by itself. I knew when I took it though that it was paint worthy.

      As for Max. Failure is part of the job. It's what keeps me coming back. I know I can do better. You are very kind.

  3. I like Max, I like his cheek, the colour and the stroke, don't give up on him. Funny, I don't have much to say about 'Rain' except I do find the combination of colours quite pleasing.

    1. There are women who love yellow and blue color schemes. Some of them were my design clients. What I am aiming for is the blurriness of the foliage as seen through the windowpane during a driving summer ran storm I'm almost there, but then I know I'll want to add something solid to hold on to. Glazing is very much on my mind these days.

      I'm not going to give up on Max. I'm going to let him dry and pick it up from there.

  4. I always love your colors. In fact, I love all your work. I am waiting for "Rain." I just can't figure out why I gained two pounds reading this post.

  5. Thanks JJ. Rain is on the brink of being finished. These paintings are happily occupying their places in my house--as I am exploring this suggested oil paint palette. After years of just having fun with art as I felt the need, I've gone seriously academic. It's tedious, but informative. My curiosity is being satisfied and good painting habits are developing.

  6. Rain is SO interesting and look forward to seeing what you do next....I usually paint what I "see" and what you're doing is very difficult...
    Wonderful work, Linda!!!

  7. You paint what you see very well too! I paint what I see also and I need a violet with just a hint of I did these color studies with acrylics years ago--only in a different format, and thankfully, I'm almost finished with Schmid's twelve color palette. I'm seeking out the magic of Cobalt Violet, but so far I am not impressed. I'm wondering if Dioxinine Purple comes in oil? I'll see today at the art supply shop. Rain needs some soft violets in transitional areas, but Cobalt Violet is really overpowered by all the other colors on that palette. It's also a little gray. there's no glow. I need glow.

  8. Art, and art show selections, are so subjective as I know you know. Glad to see you are over the disappointment and back to the easel. Resiliency and persistence are very important traits in this art journey.

    1. I do know that. What I find odd is that I bothered. Don't know why yet. Probably wanted validation and my entry was a symbolic gesture? I've been here before. I will probably enter again next year. :-))
