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Monday, September 13, 2010

Seven More Days of Summer

Seven more days of summer, more or less, time to sign, The Summer After, kiss it good by and move on.

My canvases for Chocolate Mice haven't been shipped yet--not till the 23rd. I can't believe that canvases 30' x 10" are so hard to get;but then, it's an odd size. I would like to take a break from landscapes, but
Fall Woods
could be next--unless I muster the guts to go ahead with The Mom and The Teenager.. That canvas came quite a while ago, but the painting is going to drive me crazy,so I've been ignoring it.

I'm a bit down when I finish a painting. As I sign it and turn it against the wall, I always feel like I failed. It's no where near as wonderful as I anticipated when I made the first mark on the pristine canvas. That's why I turn it to the wall for a bit. I need the time to remove myself. Hopefully when I look at the painting again, it won't be another false finish. Hopefully I'll think, "Hey that's not too shabby. It's got value." Hopefully...I am such a twit--but not as big a twit as Honey who said,"Maybe landscapes just aren't you." Fox Hole! Maybe gallant is just not him!

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