The drawing actually took a total of thirty minutes in two sessions. One before dinner. The second, after.
I'd never drawn lettuce before and didn't recall ever seeing any drawings of lettuce. Sure apples,oranges, grapes, pears, and peppers, but never lettuce. I was making the salad for dinner and the romaine looked beautiful. I pushed aside my ingredients, set up shop and got started. After five minutes of laying down the watercolor and another ten blowing it dry, Honey wanted to know what was holding things up. I set the still life aside and went back to dinner.
Afterwards, I instructed my clean up crew,(Honey),to leave my still life alone, don't even move it. I would wipe up the counters. He was thrilled at my generosity, (meticulous, counters take him thirty minutes). Me? A Wipe and a polish and I was back doing what I wanted to do. But my still life had wilted. I spent my last five trying to get the crispness back with colored pencils. Nothing too perky happened. I put the lettuce back in the frig for tonight's salad.
Nothing much happened there. Two new books on Acrylic painting were delivered and I was anxious to get started bringing myself into the new millennium with all the new mediums now available for modern acrylic painters. Being as dissatisfied as I am with Summer Shade, hopefully
Rethinking Acrylics by Patti Brady,(which I am now), and
New Acrylics Essential Sourcebook by Rheni Tauchid might make me shout,"Eureka!" So after improvising with the paint left on the paper palette sheet,(pictured below), I, a strong KISS advocate, settled down to learn what's new and improved.
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