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Friday, June 25, 2010

The Subject is Color

A preliminary sketch of the second installment to Ladder. When moved to canvas,I'll make adjustments--simplifications, shifts in color distribution, etc. Then, when added to the first group,more adjustments will be made to bring them all together.

While I used clothes hanging in a closet as inspiration, the painting is not a realistic rendition. This painting is about form, color, pattern, rhythm, repetition, and space. I took many liberties with the truth.

Clothing, as clothing, is an interesting subject for art though. Several years ago,I saw an exhibit of an artist's clothes. Her installation was dresses hanging in Plexiglas enclosures with a black and white photo of the artist wearing it and a note about the event she wore it to. I was fascinated--the events of a life recorded by the clothing worn.

I, too, remember what I wore to different events and always thought that that was a bit weird. It was nice to discover I wasn't alone.--I also remember what the special people in my life have worn.

On our first date, Honey wore a black watch plaid,button down collar shirt with blue cords and gym shoes. I wore a white button up the front, a-line skirt with a pink and white polka dot blouse that buttoned to my chin. I carried a straw umbrella purse with pink flowers on it. The purse would be a collector item today. Back then, it could have been a weapon if this guy got too friendly. Honey looked so college coolin his duds. I looked so Pretty in Pink high school. But I was fifteen and he was nineteen. Four years apart, we came from different worlds.

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