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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

On The Couch

My work ethic flew out the window with the onslaught of this hacking cough cold that was just diagnosed as pneumonia.  So here I am on the couch drinking gallons of Vernor's, Detroit's own very unique ginger ale, and sleeping the days away till the drugs set in and the fever drops.  What a way to come home!  Till I'm back on my feet, this is how I'll be spending my days; for about a week. 



  1. I'm really sorry!
    After a nice vacation, that bad now!
    Courage and patience are the only way to overcome.
      I hope you come back soon in health dear Linda!
    If loving thoughts of friends can help, I will send to you a lot !!!

    1. Thanks Rita. I need all the help I can get. At least today I got the right medication and can get rid of all the over the counter stuff I was taking. The cold started March 15th and got more complicated as time went by. I wasn't really sick on our trip, but I wasn't quite myself either. Things got worse when we came home and that's when I decided it was time to see the doctor. I see him again in a week. Hopefully all better. (They never have you come back till you're well). 😊 Thank you for your best wishes; I appreciate your concern.

  2. Poor you, lots of sympathy ... I came back from Australia with a cough & cold, but not on the scale you have it. Plenty of rest and warm drinks, m'lady, and get Vitamin C into you. Get well soon! Now I'm going to look back to see what I've missed!

    1. Everybody on the plane was coughing and sneezing. I wanted to wear a mask, but Ellis talked me out of it. I did wipe everything down with saniwipes, but I was still breathing in all that canned air. I guess I was too far gone. Thanks for the sympathy John.

  3. Oh no! Hugs and love and wishes for a very quick get well! Pneumonia is no slight illness, you take good care and have Ellis cater to your every whim. I trust Ellis is well?
    There is something to be said for not going anywhere! I don't get sick, although I probably shouldn't say that.

    1. Ellis is a doll! He's taking excellent care of me. I didn't catch the cold going away, the cold I had before going away got somewhat better, but then got a whole lot worse since we got home. But the medication is working already. The cough is getting looser and less painful after one dose. I imagine in three days, I'll get a bit of my verve back? Till then, I'm on the couch and sleeping a lot off and on.

  4. So sorry, Linda, poor you! Get well soon, best wishes!

    1. Thanks Judy. I'm doing my best to get back on my feet. Lots of fluids. Lots of rest.

  5. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je vous souhaite un prompt rétablissement... Je vous conseille de boire cette petite mixture : Faire bouillir de l'eau, y ajouter du citron pressé, une gousse d'ail écrasé, un cuillère à café de vinaigre de cidre et une cuillère à soupe de bon miel.
    Gros bisous ♡

    1. This recipe reads like a tea my grandmother made for such occasions. Thank you Martinealison for reminding me. The old remedies are often the the most affective. I will try it. Anything to get rid of this horrifically painful cough that comes from the depth of hell.

  6. Ik vind het een hele krachtige uitstraling hebben Linda lieve groetjes Danielle

  7. You may be as sick as the proverbial dog, but your sketch is great. Get better soonest!!!

    1. This quicky sketch reminds me of Death of Marat by David. I look dead. I should probably go back into it with some white pastels, maybe some sickly greens? I am working on recovery by sleeping a lot. Thanks for your sympathy. I need a lot of it these days.

  8. Take care and feel better soon. I like the sound of that old home remedy. And of course there's the all-purpose chicken soup.

    1. Mother's Chicken soup is a mainstay. After that Vernor's Gingerale, which may be a Michigan only Gingerale? After that grandma's "tea."
      Codein gives me a brain cloud as does the antibiotic. on the couch will be home for a while.

  9. Oh no! so sorry you are sick! The drawing is always! I had a terrible flu months ago and thought I was over it....but, I developed a terrible pain in my head (each time I bent over)...and I finally had to go to the Doctor. It was confirmed to be sinus inflammation probably "smoldering" from that flu. Being sick is such a colossal drag. About the best I can say is that one can (sort of) catch up on their reading. Feel better soon!!
