Flower Arrangement, watercolor |
This was a flower arrangement I started in Cancun, but never finished; the sun came out. Today there was no sun in Michigan, just snow. Lots of it. Ellis went out, but came back in. He had nothing so pressing that he had to sweat behind the wheel maneuvering the car on icy roads in the bitter cold. He declared a "snow day." I photographed it from the comfort of the kitchen where I finished what I started during a warm Mexican rain shower.
Snow day, quiet day, silence drifts, just two for warmth in front of a fire. |
Snow is beautiful. I spent many a year plowing through it. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYes it is, yet people run from it in droves to sunny seashores where all the seasons look the same and rebirth is never rejoiced.
DeleteWhat a great view and I envy you the snow! I thought I would see and experience much more snow with my move to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada but the past two winters have been mild and relatively dry :(. I am one of those nuts that loves the snow, loves shoveling the drive way and bundling up for a cold wintery walk. I can still hope as winter will be with us for a while yet! Your Mexican flowers make me think of Spring and although they are lovely, I am just not ready for it yet.
ReplyDeleteMe neither. The snow is running things around here though. It's accompanied by single digit temps, which makes salt useless on the roads. We might have to consider getting chains for our tires, which I do believe are illegal in this area? The other way to manage and ward off cabin fever is to paint. Oh darn. :-))
DeleteThe colourful flowers are a joy to the eye! And the snow view from your window looks beautiful! Over here we have a mild winter so far, very rainy. Last winter we had a lot of snow though. It is pretty to see, and then it turns into muddy slosh and I hate to plough through that in my winter boots. Well, have fun painting, Linda!
ReplyDeleteFlowers, albeit still lifes, are not me--only when they are the only thing around, which they were in that hotel room. I did contemplate painting the interior, but that would have been a more involved activity--too involved for holiday time.
DeleteI bought the down coat last week. This next week or two, I'll buy the boots. I keep shopping the Uggs from Australia; they look cool, but the reviews are mixed. Meanwhile I do have sturdy hiking boots with great treads that can handle the heavy snow we've been getting and I could go out. BUT I CAN'T TALK MYSELF OUT THE FRONT DOOR! Two degrees Fahrenheit is rIdiculous.
No snow here, and I hope it stay that way. I also hope it will be an early spring, something I do every year. A lot of great work from you last year, looking forward to see new great paintings this year.
ReplyDeleteI also got paintings that never got finished, but unlike you I know that they will probably not be completed cause I get bored with them, can't hold my interest, even though there might be some promise in some.
Lucky you. Here there's not only feet of snow, but twelve degrees F. Low was two. I know I bought a new down/feathers puffy coat for my birthday, but I really was hoping not to have to wear it.
DeleteI might not finish those paintings either--just a touch here or there as I feel like it. I find that setting them up on another easel I can see while working new things, sometimes moves me over to make some marks. That's why I'm thinking of finishing those two acrylic landscapes in oils. I'll have the oils out and don't have to mix up any batches of acrylics. I'm pretty lazy sometimes--or, as you said, probably bored. The initial rush is long past.
Wonderful painting. Love the exuberance.
ReplyDeleteJust got back from slogging through snow in mid town Manhattan. Looking forward to museums.
Oh how lovely. I do miss the art exhibits New York Museums get. Detroit used to, but not for a long time. I get both encouraged and discouraged in museums. So rare visits are best for me. I did want to see Hackney though.
DeleteMy watercolors are evidence I must have liked to play in the water as a child. I'm not interested in solidifying any form, just laying down the colors and seeing how they swim--maybe a solid dot here and there?
Egad!!! That is a LOT of snow!!! ... definitely a day to stay inside and create. Love the flowers - your colors are so vivacious and rich.
ReplyDeleteLinda, I wish you a power-year, full of Joy and Creativity [and sound knees] !!!
Thanks Katherine. That snow is nothing compared to what has fallen since. These are excellent days for creating soups and deep dish meals to warm the cockles. Forget about knees. I have. That is old news. The new news is Skyp. What fun it was talking to Roger via Skyp yesterday.
DeleteBrrrrrrrrr! Hello Linda! Love! Love the photo of your living area and the outside snow scene! I absolutely love the snow!!!! We also had a bit of the white stuff a day or so ago! Fifteen to twenty inches with higher drifts. Single digit temperatures. Hot chocolate,warm cookies and a roaring fire place. Can't get much better than that!
ReplyDeleteLove your latest watercolors! So fluid! Love the style! Free! Great use of the medium! Love the splashes of color!
Love your blog! Your photos and your text always interesting! Keep them coming!
Your New England Snow Loving Art Buddy!
I've been thinking about you Michael during these Arctic days. No shoveling or blowing or making angels in the snow for you I hope, just plenty of time to paint. Not so bad being shut up in the cabin. There are definitely no outside distractions to keep us snowed-in artists away from our craft. Enjoy this very paintable winter. Stay warm..