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Friday, December 13, 2013

The Best Kind of Day, The Gloomiest Sketch


No umbrellas were allowed this morning. The wind was very strong. Ellis was unhappy till we found a spot in the shade  behind these two palm trees close to the building and far back from the sea. The scene in front of me was less than inspiring, but I scribbled it down anyway using a the few markers and a piece of white chalk I had squeezed into my fanny pack. Pastels would have served the weather conditions better.  Watercolor was out of the question. Windy? Very. No umbrellas, no shade from the hot sun? Yes. Lightheaded from the constantly high humidity? You bet.  But by sunset, it was the best kind of day--not for painting, but for being on holiday. 

It began a little past sunrise with a Skyp chat with my inspiring blogging friend Sharon Wright. Then the sun did emerged from the gray and stayed bright all day long. Poolside, we ran into several friendly couples from New York, Philadelphia and Michigan and met folks we had met in past years from 
Georgia and Virginia.  We walked down to the shore to see the sea and feel the strength of its power.  I found seashells along the way to add to my collection in a bowl on our deck table. It was all muy perfecto.


Also finished off the floral still life while drying off after being caught in the torrential downpour.  And took a couple of interesting design oriented photographs:



SIX EIGHTEEN, DECEMBER 14th, 2013 SUNRISE?  Looks like a repeat of yesterday. Travel light and be prepared to run for cover. No watercolors to the beach. It's going to be a marker day. 




  1. That's so funny - I get lightheaded in low humidity, and my hair flattens on my head! Your watercolor of the flowers is stunning!!! Also, I had missed your sketches of the beachgoers - fabulous!

    1. It must be conditioning? Thanks. The first sketch was best. It had the most sparkle. This year, high winds have cut down production.

  2. It's fun to see your sketches...and the flowers came out great. Love the photos too....esp that building one---very cool!

    1. I liked the repetition of the windows and balconies. Rhythmic. Thanks Celeste.

  3. Lovely watercolor. And the photos and sketches should provide lots of material, for when you are reunited with your supplies.

  4. Thanks, but it was a disappointment to me--not enough sparkle. My plein air/from life enthusiasm has been dampened by the high winds and sporadic showers and still life has never been a favorite. The best thing that's happened this holiday is that my knee has been exercised back to "good as new." I think it's time to sign up for a life drawing class.
