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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sabbatical On the Beach

Poolside Impression, Cancun, Quintanaroo, Mexico 2012
At first, I thought I had made a mess of it.  Then the more I looked at it, the more it described the hotel  pool scene--not with details, but with color, values, architectural suggestion--larger shapes that ran together to form the whole. All recorded spontaneously with gusto. 

I'M OFF ON SABBATICAL to do some plein air watercolors on the beach. Watercolors are  the easiest medium to pack and tote--but the wrong  one for me with my  MORE-IS-BETTER painting philosophy and tendency to over do.  Painting layer over layer till it's right isn't an option. Mud is a constant threat when painting wet into wet excites and watching the puddles intermingle fascinates. (For this reason, I am taking more paper than I need).  Corrections can be made, but not fearlessly. Watercolor paper needs a gentle touch. Heavy handed, knowingly I will try to KISS and just go for impressions--unless I decide to tackle the guy lounging on his chair watching all the action with arms folded over his man boobs resting on a belly that sits on his lap hiding the swimsuit I know is there somewhere.  Then I'll take out the markers and pens and charcoal pencils I also stuffed into the case just in case life drawing presents itself in an amusing way. 

 Art supplies and beach toys are the first items I pack.I can't leave myself behind.  I am determined to take the water volley ball this year too--along with my swim noodle--even if it costs me shoes and a few of the multitude of tops I know go with one  pair of palazzios or another. Toys come first when the truth on the beach is a pair of shorts are enough.

The day breaks through night full blast about 6:17 AM. The breezes are cool. There's a
hush overall as others sleep through its magnificent entrance.
This is my moment alone. It became mine alone the minute I snapped the shutter,
 for no one was in my spot in the world at that exact time. 

Michigan Sunrise,  7:15 AM, November 30th, 2013. The air is cold. There's a wind chill factor. Everybody is wearingtheir bubble parkas and Ugg boots. They look like trendy,rolly-polly little bears. Give me shorts
a tee shirt and fit-flops anytime.  BUT THIS PHOTO OF MINE DOES AROUSE THE PAINTER.
EPOXY OVER A GRADED GROUND.  Ignore the streaks in the window. They will
wash away in early May. Many more are expected. A FIVE BY THREE FOOT CANVAS WOULD DO IT NICELY.
This one I can feel. There's always light on the other side; Something to push through for.

Dressed in tee and Niki shorts,  sitting on the sea wall  at six ten  AM waiting for the sunrise  is the picture in my head. Sun and sea is my  destination.  The mixed aromas of sunscreen,  chlorine and sea air  fill my memory and peace floods head to toe. The waves curl and break  on the shore, music with a steady beat, inviting listeners to dance and play in the foam that's not for sissies--and we haven't even boarded the plane!  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  The Thalo green/blue Caribbean with just a dash of white and a tiny hint of sunny Naples,  is all I can think about. It's runaway time, AND THE BEST THING IS I'M FIT AND READY TO FLY! GOD BLESS DOCTORS RON LEDERMAN AND MARK KWARTOWITZ--AND MY STUBBORNESS  TO BE AS  RECOVERED AS POSSIBLE BY TAKE OFF.  

Beach Impression ,  Cancun, Quintanaroo, Mexico, 2011
White and black pastel is a good thing to throw into a pencil case when you have a tendency to get carried away.
This is an example of MORE, when I have no doubt less would have done.  But the beach was bustling and I  was bustling too.




  1. I loved your trip last year....and I'm sure you'll produce gorgeous paintings in such a beauutiful place. I'm grateful to your doctors too! yay...!

    1. Thanks Celeste. Looking back on last year's paintings, I can only improve UNLESS it's been too long between sessions? I haven't done watercolor since. I'll probably post. Blogging is in my blood and I do like a degree of normalcy where ever I am. That's why we keep going back to the same place. I know where all the Senoras are.

  2. I am very envious! :) Have a great time, and create many wonderful paintings!!!

  3. Thanks so much Kathryn. I hope so, but horrendous paintings can happen in Mexico just like they do in the studio. The only difference is you don't take them as seriously. It's just paper. :-))

  4. Enjoy!!!
    I love these wild and colorful paintings! Exciting! Original! Emotional! Definition of great art!
    Keep it up!
    Happy Everything Linda!

    1. The best things can happen if you follow the music and run with the tide. Just responding to what you see with paint can produce some amazing things--as well as some stinkers. Thanks Michael :-))

  5. Hi Linda,
    Well,'s finally time, eh? I hope your time in the sunshine and surf complete whatever rehab might be needed and you two have a thoroughly wonderful time.

    1. Time is needed--and who knows about that? But sun, warmth, glorious views and friends and family goes a long way. Thanks Gary.

  6. Have a great time and I expect many beautiful paintings when you get back! Have fun!

    1. Oh my, the pressures on! I am so glad I added another watercolor block to my supply bag. Thanks Judy.

  7. I adore the Poolside Impression painting - wow!
    You deserve a fabulous time after all you have gone I am sure does hubby!!!
    Look forward to you next post.

    1. From seaside probably. Once a habit, blogging is a tough one to break. :-)) Thanks Julie. And Happy Birthday.

  8. Heading in an abstract direction with just sufficient hint of shape to tantalise the imagination.
