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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Finishing Up

Self Portrait With Hood, Charcoal 

Halfway There, oil


Darkening the ground pulled the hood back and pushed the three quarter profile forward. It also added a bit of drama as if hoods aren't drama enough. This baby is done. The easel has been cleared for whatever is next--probably another self portrait with hood. I like the drape of it.


While palette knife painting isn't my favorite, that's the tool my hand automatically went to for this nearly plein air piece. When I showed it to you a couple of posts ago, it wasn't finish. Now, it is. A smear of cold sunlight, a few dashes to designate the boats stored on shore and some lightening up of the shadows cast on the lawn by the condos bordering this park-like setting did it for me--all it needs is my John Hancock as soon as the impasto dries. As the sun came out for Easter weekend and the temperature hit sixty degrees, the plein air easel has also been cleared for action.

It was great to be back in the studio.



  1. Ciao Linda,il ritratto è splendido,luci e ombre sono perfette,bello anche il dipinto a olio!
    Felice Pasqua!!

    1. Thanks Franz. Both came from me just keeping my hand in the paint pot. The portrait was the most informative. The landscape was pure fun.

  2. I like both finished pieces, you really pulled out the details in both, well done.

    1. Thanks Roger. The portrait was the challenge. I'll face that challenge again. The landscape was the first landscape I've done in that it is a vista. I usually like to get into the linear branches and grasses.

  3. Wonderful paintings, Linda. I LOVE your plein air with the palette knife!!

  4. Love the composition of the portait and the clarity....have you used white pastel too?..........but I could say just the same about the plein air. The light is fabulous. Welcome back to your studio, it's great that you are there.......I trust the knee is well recovered?

    1. Thanks. Throughout this whole horrible winter of colds, sinus, and gastroenteritis, the knee was the best thing that happened. I'm so glad I had it scoped and cleaned out. It has made a world of difference.

      Only pastel in this was black. Charcoal doesn't go black enough for me. Thanks. It was a hard position and took more time than I thought.

  5. Happy Easter, dear Linda.
    Here I'm really in a period of bad weather (snow, rain, dark ...).
    But having new painting projects, how nice!
    Your art works are always so strong and interesting and I hope that the spring
    soon brings new healthy energy for support your art!
    Warm hugs,Rita.

    1. And to you too Rita. I'm going to sk the egg roll and catch up with all my blogging buddies today--and start something new in the studio. Thanks for your encouragement, and yes, the greening of the woods does make my heart soar. Hugs back dear Rita.

  6. Well done...It's great that you are back in the studio---Happy Easter!

    1. Happy Easter to you too! Had to clear the slate so to speak. Old news. New news: there is green in the woods and I fertilized the rose bushes. Things are looking up.

  7. Your eyes are so telling. Happy Easter to you!

    1. Is that good or bad? I guess it depends on what's going on. :-)) Happy Easter to you too JJ.

  8. I left a comment here but can't see it! I wonder what I said? Couldn't have been important. Happy Easter my friend or has it gone It has just about.

    Looking forward to you relighting your afterburners once more ... the universe is too quite without you in full flow. I hope Ellis is well!

    1. I think you did--maybe you did--I could have deleted it by accident--but maybe that was the last post that you left a comment and I commented back and you commented again and I had the last word :-). Been busy with family issues and computer storage crash. Not the best Easter weekend. Luckily, I am fine at last and have my determination back. It seems that the cold I got in December went into Sinusitis and was complicated by gastroenteritis (the flu not covered in the shot), which was the cause of the fatigue and the vertigo attacks and the depression of the shortage of natural daylight--a whole winter of woes and very little art. All that's behind me now and hopefully I will get back to being myself, full of piss and vinegar and opinions. Ellis has been wonderful through all this.

  9. Love the texture of your knife work and the subtlety of your charcoal.
