And then there really were just three. The rest went into a radish/potato salad that Honey hates, but I adore. (Who's the cook anyway)?
Again I had a run around day of doc appointments, physical therapy landscapers and watering duties, so again, no real studio time. I did the watercolor painting above last night on my usual Strathmore drawing paper--medium surface, 80 lb; it was handy once again on the kitchen counter top. I was waiting for my mushrooms to do their thing in the frypan with the mock soy and sherry--excellent baked with rainbow trout, which was my plan for dinner. Watercolor on drawing paper isn't really a very good idea; the paper doesn't hold up to any heavy blotting, albeit scrubbing,that I might want to do for highlights if the wash slops where its not wanted. But,as I said, I used what supplies were on hand as I was watched my pot.
I thought the shadow areas came out poorly--no life. I couldn't really decide what colors to use,so tried a few and the result was solid mud gray.
This I morning I used Arches Watercolor paper, cold pressed,fine grain,140 lb, 100% cotton, a proper paper for the job.The painting came out better, but not because the paper held up when scrubbed, but because my colors were more lively in the shadows and the brush stoke went smoother. Last night's picture contributed to what was better about this morning's effort.
Actually, when it comes to lifting color up and off for highlights--the drawing paper does better (if I move quickly, if I don't, it doesn't). The paper is less porous and the wet color is movable longer. With the Arches, the color is absorbed quickly. For the next time, I made a mental note to have a stiff bristle brush near by if I want to remove some paint-- or I could try masking fluid; haven't done that yet.
Where both pics came out alright, (we do know that those forms are radishes), the mushrooms came out great. They're terrific on fish, steak,chicken,in a salad. Here's the recipe:
1/2 lb. sliced white mushrooms; one Tablespoon soy sauce, (I use a mock soy sauce because I'm salt sensitive); two tablespoons cooking sherry or better; 1/2teaspoon sesame oil. Spray frypan with vegetable spray. Add sesame oil. Heat till hot on moderately high. Add washed (and dried) mushrooms and the soy sauce. Stir till mixed. Brown till liquid from the mushrooms and the soy evaporates. Add the Sherry. Cook till the Sherry evaporates. Dole out evenly over the trout laid out in a vegetable sprayed glass baking pan. Bake at 420 degrees for ten minutes. Serve. Enjoy.
Today, luncheon plans with dear friend have fallen through, so studio here I come.
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