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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Still Curious

I'm still curious as to how to navigate within this Blogger App. I'll relax eventually, but for just a little while I'll fool around with the different commands to see what happens. I suspect I may have published Posting by The Pool twice. Sorry. I did manage to set this device aside to do a spontaneous watercolor. It did't come out too great, but I did christen my new supplies; so it's a start.

The hotel is empty. It's very obvious that Mexico's drug problems and our poor economy is taking its toll. It makes me sad, for one thing I like to do on vacation is meet folks from all over. So far we've met only three couples. The service is great though, even though the hotel staff seems to have been cut in half.

Interesting fact: The W in the JW Marriott stands for Willard, MIT Romney's first name. He was named in honor of Mister Marriott who was a great friend of his dad's. And that probably has something to do with Mister Romney's new position on Marriott's board of directors.

I just figured out how to edit a post. Live and learn. I also was able to reply. Yesterday, I tried, but it didn't work. Someone told me at lunch that wireless at the Marriott, where it is not free, isn't what it should be for eighty dollars for seven days. The economy here is taking it out on visitors with lots of petty charges.


  1. Who knew about the W! Little trivia for us all.
    I have had a Marriott membership for eons and sometimes I feel I know all the Marriotts inside out. I've "earned" so many free nights.
    Have a great time Linda :-)

  2. Une superbe aquarelle qui inspire le farniente... Et hum! Je crois que j'aurais bien besoin de soleil et de chaleur en ce moment !... Je reviendrais bien vous rejoindre!

    Gros bisous.

  3. Je geeft je vakantie gevoel goed weer ik zie het terug in je schilderij lieve groetjes Daniƫlle

  4. Dear, not now - I am thousands of miles from this feeling! Minus 12 degrees today and our river is frozen after such week. All the best!

  5. The spontaneity of this piece is really attention grabbing. You have successfully created a sense of gesture with your bold brush work.
