Much to my surprise, whenever was yesterday for this landscape. I had pulled down Summer Shade from the wall a week or so ago to darken it up, but that didn't do it for me; it went dead. So I took another turn at it.
It still needs work--dots and dashes--mottled sunlight--forms made soft by the rays of light shooting across them--lots of colors-- complete ranges of dark and light playing against each other. So I'll just keep at it. It's going to be a slow go. Lot's of paint, a whole palette. I probably just thought the first finish was the end because it was a happy painting, looked like the woods with the wild flowers,people would like it, so GE, let it be.
But I couldn't. The more I looked at it, the more I thought it lacked depth. As much as I'd like to be able to knock off paintings, I can't. They have to feel right to me. This one didn't hold up after five months. What I'm aiming for is to have no desire to do another thing to it when I see it. I want to get it to the place where I'm amazed that I did that. The danger in wanting to feel self satisfied is I could either underwork or overwork a piece. Both conditions are what I call false finishes. I hate them.
Ruby Louise isn't going to be a done deal just like that either. She's leaning to the side from her waist, then twisting forward; her head is leaning and twisting further forward as well. But, there's a lot of evenings to listen to TV while working her out. (Last night I really liked The Big C; it hit home and Laura Linney was wonderful). The drawing will just take time. It's the peculiar pose of the body that makes me want to do this drawing. It's a life drawing challenge. Right now,she's just looking like a munchkin. Grid system here I come.
These artists knock a multitude of artists out of the ball park with their talent. They definitely know when their work is finished. Take a look at their hand made paper sculptures: Click on Indians.
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