Same morning as yesterday morning without the hose. Painting on the floor with spray bottle in hand till forced to stop and wait for the layer to dry. A fan in the studio may be something to consider to speed up the process?
This usually impatient gal exercised. I went through all the moves I learned in physical therapy. PT was a great experience. Not only did I learn what I had been doing wrong for the last ten years, but I learned what moves were right and good form. My therapist didn't like personal trainers when I asked if I should hire one. He said there was only one accredited program out there and only the trainers who had gone through that were worth their pay.
As I finished with the light weights, I was grateful that Chris didn't think we had to kill ourselves with aerobics--stretches were the best. I always thought so. So I did twenty minutes on the elliptical using the handles,(because alas, I have no arm bicycle in my exercise room), and when I hopped off checked out the painting.
It still wasn't dry. I got dressed and went to lunch, camera in hand, with Honey to Birmingham, Detroit's movin' and shaken' Northern suburb where mullioned windows and therefore traditional art is favored. Maybe there'd be a good street shot?
No, all I got was the beautiful rose in the middle of our table at the trendy
Cafe Via, the quaint architects' offices along the way and a shot of Peabody's, a restaurant landmark for as long as I can remember. (This one would make a good colored pencil drawing,lovely subdued colors).
I missed the good city shots as we sped along Woodward where folks were staking out their spot in the shade with coolers and lawn chairs for The Dream Cruise weekend. Did see a hot Ford Thunderbird with a top notch restored silver and black finish, circa 1962 or so, with a pretty blond behind the wheel taking a test drive-- and enterprising restaurateurs setting up food concessions while the city set up comfort stations. The Dream Cruise weekend is a big deal for car enthusiasts from all over the country.I'll get a second chance today. We've got a lunch date in that area at the Beverly Hills Grill, another trendy spot for many years.
Anyway,the photos here aren't what I had in mind. I'll have to lose the car and Honey. For more on the Dream Cruise on Woodward and a bigger picture: Dream Cruise,Detroit News. (The painting was dry when I got home).

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